Tuesday, November 30, 2010

At the airport

Were just checking in at the airport and in a massive queue to check in, should have done the check-in online as it would have saved time. So far we haven't had any dramas which is great. It's pretty crazy were about to get on a plane and fly 17000km to Nairobi but I'm looking forward to it.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

All Packed

We just finished packing our bags, its pretty crazy to try to get ready for a months worth of travel. Its not like you can just pack clothes for 30 days.

We managed to get what we need into our bags and we are ready to go. I'm kinda nervous we have forgotten something or are missing something. I suppose we can just buy things if we are missing them?

To top it off i have to work tomorrow and i have a busy day. I have to finish up on my projects before i leave.

Hopefully everything will go well and the plane flight isn't too long.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Time to start packing

Its Wednesday night, and I think that means it is about time to start packing the bags.
I know Monday is going to come rather quickly, especially when you throw in a busy few days between now and then.

This afternoon I even spent an hour shopping for items to take with me. There are always endless things one could take on trips like this, but while shopping I got thinking about our Luke 9 &10 readings. This challenged me a bit.

While I wont deny that I am going to be taking a few more items than the disciples were instructed to, I think that the words Jesus shared have been a timely reminder about an attitude of welcoming the hospitality and culture of where we are going. To lay aside our usual homely comforts and really encountering what it means to be a follower of Christ in Kenya.

So the question is...what will actually make itself into the bag.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Technically Africa is my 'homeland'. I was born in Malawi, and lived there until the age of three. We went back for a brief visit in 2003, and ever since it's been on my heart to return to that part of the world. So heading to Kenya excites me! Although it's a different country, I feel in some ways that I'm heading back to my roots.

I'm looking forward to seeing and learning from what God is doing there, and to meeting and getting to know the Kenyan people. I have a heart for children and young people, and work as a youth pastor here in Auckland. The one thing I am most looking forward to is the opportunity of working with the Kenyan youth and children.

I'm a little apprehensive about the unknown and being in new & unfamiliar situations...but I know that in all things God goes before us, he is with us and will equip us for whatever we face. Can't wait to see what he does in and through us while we are on this trip.

3 weeks to go!


Making connections - Terry

Yesterday, a couple just back in NZ from travelling, moved in next door so we offered to help.

It just so happens that one of them is doing architectural research and is particularly interested in the slums of Nairobi...an area which is part of our itinerary!

We don't know where they're at with God, but how cool is that???